Versions Compared


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If you need help with the items below, visit Tutorial: Using WebAdvisor


The first day of attendance is indicated by using E to represent the student has entered the course.

  1. The E goes on the first day the student enters the class (being seated, or online).

  2. For hybrid classes: 

    • The E goes on the first day the student is sitting in your classroom.

    • For the distance learning (online) portion, the E should match the first day the student completed the first LMS activity or assignment.

    • Both portions of WebAttendance should receive E's.

  3. For fully online classes: The E goes on the first day the student completed their first assignment (see Section A.a).

    • If the fully online class has two portions (both lab and lecture) then the E will automatically populate to the second portion.

    • Online participation includes completing an activity (census activity, discussion forum, or any graded assignment), and not simply viewing the course site.



  • Be sure to mark no-shows in a timely manner (by checking the No Show box next to the student name). Remember, students have up to the census date to "enter" the class before being withdrawn.

  • if the No Show box is checked, the instructor should officially withdraw the student from the roster using Colleague (Datatel).

    • (adjuncts ask your chair/dean for help).

  • Within Colleague a grade of NS should be entered with no entry for the LDA.



  • If a student is in class the first day, and then that is also their last day, the marking would be EL.

Withdrawing anytime in the Semester


New Attendance and Grading Workflow for Faculty