2.9 Campus Free Speech, Public Assembly, and Distribution/Petitioning Regulations
Policy Tracking | Date |
Approved | November 13, 2017 |
Revised | May 18, 2021 |
Reviewed |
Free speech, which includes the right to distribute materials and peacefully assemble, is central to the College’s academic mission. The College encourages and supports open, vigorous, and civil debate across the full spectrum of society’s issues as they present themselves to the College community. At the same time, limitations of activities on the College property are necessary so that the College may fulfill its primary mission of educating students. The use of outdoor space on the College’s campus does not represent an endorsement or support by the College of the content or viewpoints expressed by the individual or group using the space. The College is a limited public forum and does not discriminate based on content or viewpoint.
The President is authorized to develop procedures for public use of the College’s outdoor spaces for distribution of material and assembly.
For issues dealing with the use of indoor spaces and facilities, see BRCC CollegeFacilities Policy.
Blue Ridge Community College Policies and Procedures Manual