2.7.3 College Logo Use

2.7.3 College Logo Use

Policy TrackingDate
ApprovedJune 7, 2017
RevisedMay 18, 2021

  1. For the purposes of this procedure, a logo is defined as any recognizable and distinctive graphic design, stylized name, or unique symbol.
  2. The Blue Ridge Community College logo is the primary identifying element of the College. It represents the College brand and promotes immediate identification.
  3. Acceptable uses of the College logo are outlined in the College's Graphic Standards Guide published by the Marketing and Communications Department.
  4. The College’s logo is to be used on all College publications both print and electronic, including approved College social media sites. The location of the logo on the document is usually determined by the design of the publication or advertisement.
  5. Unique logos for individual divisions, departments, or programs are not permitted. The President may approve an addition to the College logo to allow a department or program to distinguish its identity.
  6. All use of the Blue Ridge Community College logo or seal by Blue Ridge Community College faculty, staff, College partners, bookstore, or any business or agency must conform to the College Graphic Standards Guide and must receive approval from the Marketing and Communications Department before use.
  7. The College’s official seal is reserved for official documents and publications representing the President or the Board of Trustees. The seal should be used on publications and advertisements only by permission of the President or a designee.
  8. Exceptions to this Procedure Include:
    1. Logos designed for internal initiatives that will not be used externally
    2. Logos whose use is mandated by agencies external to the College
    3. Logos already in existence as of May 2017.

Blue Ridge Community College Policies and Procedures Manual