9.6.1 Visitors on Campus

9.6.1 Visitors on Campus

Policy TrackingDate
RevisedJuly 5, 2018

  1. Classes should not be interrupted by visitors except in cases of emergency or by permission of the instructor.
  2. To ensure all representatives of business and industry are given equal and adequate opportunity to supply goods and services to the College, all salespersons shall be referred to the Chief Financial Officer. Salespersons shall not be permitted to call on any employee during the workday for the purpose of soliciting the individual's personal contract.
  3. Visitors seeking permission to do any kind of solicitation are to be directed to the College’s Event Coordinator and are subject to approval by the President, based on the criteria listed inPolicy 2.14 - College Facilities.
  4. Visitors coming to see students are to be directed to the Division of Student Services.
  5. The College encourages visitors to its campus, but due to certain hazards that may exist on campus, children must be supervised at all times by a responsible adult who shall be deemed responsible for the children's actions. Children who are unsupervised must be considered to be in a dangerous position. An administrator should be alerted immediately. Students are directed not to bring children with them to class. College staff should inform students of the College’s policy. Faculty members should enforce this in their classrooms.
  6. College faculty and staff should not be discouraged from occasionally bringing family members to the College to broaden their exposure to the educational process. Such visitations, however, should be infrequent and of a short duration. Visitations should not cause disruption of normal College activities nor be a substitute for child care arrangements.
  7. Animals are permitted on College grounds only under certain conditions. Refer toProcedure 2.14.7Animals on Campus.

  8. Any visitor who causes a disturbance may be asked to leave the campus immediately by any employee. If the visitor does not leave immediately, the employee should first notify the on-duty law enforcement or campus security officer and subsequently notify the most available Vice President.

    Stalking, as defined in G.S. 14-277.3, is the following or being in the presence of someone without legal purpose, with the intent to cause emotional distress by placing that person in fear of death or bodily injury. Such activity is illegal and should be reported to the Director of Public Safety, Director of Human Resources, or Vice President for Student Services.

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