2.7.2 Bulletin Board/Posting Procedures

2.7.2 Bulletin Board/Posting Procedures

Policy TrackingDate
ApprovedFebruary 1, 2012
RevisedMay 18, 2021

  1. Campus bulletin boards are provided for use by recognized student organizations and by College employees to improve internal communications and as a courtesy to students.
  2. For purposes of this procedure a "recognized student organization" is defined as an organized student group that is recognized by the Student Government Association.
  3. The use of campus bulletin boards by recognized student organizations or College employees is subject to the following general regulations:
    1. All materials posted on campus bulletin boards must be directly related to College programs, events, clubs, or services.
    2. All posted materials must: be clear and legible; include the sponsoring club or College program/division/department name; include the date; and, provide current contact information.
    3. Posted materials shall not include profanity, or other language that is offensive, discriminatory, or harassing.
    4. All notices must be posted on a bulletin board. No notice, advertisement, document, or signage of any kind may be affixed to any building, wall, window, door, street, sidewalk, traffic sign, campus signage, light post or pole, trash can, staircase, railing, tree or other vegetation, or any other part of the campus of Blue Ridge Community College. Campus bulletin boards are the sole designated location for posting of communication. This does not include employee offices or classrooms. Exceptions may include emergency announcements, abbreviated schedule of operating hours, etc., as deemed necessary by College administration.
    5. Flyers may remain on a bulletin board for three weeks or two business days after the event or service advertised has ended, whichever is sooner. It is the responsibility of the recognized student organization or College employee to remove its advertisement in a timely manner.
    6. The use of campus bulletin boards to advertise the sale of used books is limited to current or former students of Blue Ridge Community College and can be placed on bulletin boards designated for “Textbooks for Sale.”
  4. The College provides some designated bulletin board space for its students and employees to advertise or request information directly related to College programs, events, clubs, services, or community events. Other than such limited use by the College’s students and employees, bulletin boards may not be used for commercial purposes.
  5. Requests to post notices about job openings should be referred to NCWorks.
  6. The College newsletter “Writing on the Wall” may be posted to restroom walls and/or doors with permission from the Strategic Planning and Communications Office.
  7. Any violation of the above mentioned procedures shall result in the immediate forfeiture of the privilege of using campus bulletin boards.
  8. Blue Ridge Community College reserves the right to remove signage without notice if it is outdated or does not adhere to these procedures.

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