8.1.6 Internet Use
8.1.6 Internet Use
Policy Tracking | Date |
Approved | |
Revised | February 8, 2024 |
Reviewed |
- Responsibility of Internet Users: Internet services are provided for Blue Ridge Community College students, faculty, and staff to support professional and educational needs. All users are responsible for using the Internet in an effective, efficient, ethical, and lawful manner. Internet access is a privilege, not a right, and as such, can be withdrawn from those who misuse it. There is no guarantee of the validity or accuracy of information accessed from the Internet.
- Internet Privacy: Blue Ridge Community College Internet service users should be aware that files are not private, and that the College may be compelled to share any files requested as a result of a legal process or as otherwise required by law.
- Subject to Laws: Internet-related materials, such as web pages, are considered publications in an electronic format and are subject to all applicable local, state, and federal laws, as well as Blue Ridge Community College policies and procedures regarding publications. Users should be knowledgeable of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 and other applicable laws which address copyright issues and the Internet, among other matters.
- Blocking Web Sites: The College may block access to any website or Internet-accessible resource that is deemed to:
- pose a potential risk to the security of College information systems
- violate federal, state, or local laws or College policies
- interfere with or hinder the operation of the College
- Offer material whose purpose is in direct conflict with the mission of the College.
The blocking of such sites shall not be in conflict with Section 6.12.1 (Academic Freedom and Responsibility). Faculty or staff members who feel a website or Internet resource is being unfairly blocked can submit a request for an exception to helpdesk@blueridge.edu.
- Wireless Internet Connections: Wireless Internet access provided to Blue Ridge Community College students, faculty, staff, and authorized visitors of the Blue Ridge Community College campuses is free of charge. Use of the College's Wireless network constitutes an acceptance of the College's Acceptable Use Policy by the user.
Blue Ridge Community College Policies and Procedures Manual