6.1.2 Development and Revision of Course Syllabi
6.1.2 Development and Revision of Course Syllabi
Policy Tracking | Date |
Approved | |
Revised | December 6, 2017 |
Reviewed |
- Utilizing the Course Syllabus Template provided by the Office for Instruction, instructors shall create a course syllabus for each course taught. Adjunct faculty may collaborate with full-time faculty in the development process. The following items are to be included in creating the course syllabus.
- Course syllabi should include:
- Course Information, which includes:
- Name, number, section
- Semester and year
- Instructor name, office location & hours, contact information such as phone and e-mail
- Credit and contact hours,
- Pre and co-requisites
- Course description from common course catalog
- Course Goals/Objectives
- A list of student learning outcomes; an outline of the procedure to be used in meeting the outcomes, and an approximate time schedule to be used in achieving them.
- Required texts (if applicable)
- Required materials and supplies (if applicable)
- Reference materials (if applicable)
- Evaluation Policies and Procedures which includes grading policy and grading scale
- Classroom Policies which include:
- Academic Honesty Policy
- Attendance
- Computer Usage including online identity policy as applicable
- Student Conduct Policy
- Student Grievance Process
- Student Support Services which includes:
- Advising
- Disability Support Services
- Financial Aid
- Technical Support
- Tutoring
- Technical Requirements and Support
- Guidelines for Distance Learning (if applicable)
- Support for Using Moodle (if applicable)
- Student Success Information
- Course Information, which includes:
- Whenever more than one instructor is involved in teaching the same course, separate course syllabi may be prepared by each instructor. However, the instructors will work together to formulate a single set of objectives for the course. The textbook to be used in the course will selected by using the criteria set forth inProcedure 6.9.1.
- Review and Revision of Syllabi
- All course syllabi are to be prepared prior to the beginning date of a course and submitted to the Office for Instruction.
- Instructors should review, revise and resubmit course syllabi to the Office for Instruction every semester.
Blue Ridge Community College Policies and Procedures Manual