6.1.2 Development and Revision of Course Syllabi

6.1.2 Development and Revision of Course Syllabi

Policy TrackingDate
RevisedDecember 6, 2017

  1. Utilizing the Course Syllabus Template provided by the Office for Instruction, instructors shall create a course syllabus for each course taught. Adjunct faculty may collaborate with full-time faculty in the development process. The following items are to be included in creating the course syllabus.
  2. Course syllabi should include:
    1. Course Information, which includes:
      1. Name, number, section
      2. Semester and year
      3. Instructor name, office location & hours, contact information such as phone and e-mail
      4. Credit and contact hours,
      5. Pre and co-requisites
      6. Course description from common course catalog
    2. Course Goals/Objectives
    3. A list of student learning outcomes; an outline of the procedure to be used in meeting the outcomes, and an approximate time schedule to be used in achieving them.
    4. Required texts (if applicable)
    5. Required materials and supplies (if applicable)
    6. Reference materials (if applicable)
    7. Evaluation Policies and Procedures which includes grading policy and grading scale
    8. Classroom Policies which include:
      1. Academic Honesty Policy
      2. Attendance
      3. Computer Usage including online identity policy as applicable
      4. Student Conduct Policy
      5. Student Grievance Process
    9. Student Support Services which includes:
      1. Advising
      2. Disability Support Services
      3. Financial Aid
      4. Technical Support
      5. Tutoring
    10. Technical Requirements and Support
    11. Guidelines for Distance Learning (if applicable)
    12. Support for Using Moodle (if applicable)
    13. Student Success Information
  3. Whenever more than one instructor is involved in teaching the same course, separate course syllabi may be prepared by each instructor. However, the instructors will work together to formulate a single set of objectives for the course. The textbook to be used in the course will selected by using the criteria set forth inProcedure 6.9.1.
  4. Review and Revision of Syllabi
    1. All course syllabi are to be prepared prior to the beginning date of a course and submitted to the Office for Instruction.
    2. Instructors should review, revise and resubmit course syllabi to the Office for Instruction every semester.

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Blue Ridge Community College Policies and Procedures Manual