6.11.4 College and Career Readiness Center
6.11.4 College and Career Readiness Center
Policy Tracking | Date |
Approved | April 2, 2014 |
Revised | |
Reviewed |
- The College and Career Readiness Center prepares students to transition successfully into college and/or jobs by offering academic, job, and life skills instruction.
- Educational needs that may be met include completion of education to successfully pass high school equivalency exams; upgrading academic skills for students who have already earned a high school credential but need instruction and review to be academically prepared to enroll in college level courses and/or to be successful in employment; improvement of study skills to become academically successful; improvement of life skills that can transfer to greater success in school or on the job.
- These needs are met through classroom and small group instruction, workshops on personal accountability skills and study skills, and through individual support services such as mentoring, goal-setting and transitions in formation. Academic instruction includes courses in grammar, writing, reading, math, social studies, and science.
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