4.10.1 Grading System
Policy Tracking | Date |
Approved | |
Revised | October 24, 2024 |
Reviewed | October 24, 2024 |
- The unit of credit at Blue Ridge Community College is the semester hour. The school year consists of a 16 week fall semester, a 16 week spring semester, and a 10 week summer semester.
Summer semester class hours are multiplied by 1.6 in order to equal fall and spring semester class hours.
Classes offered in shorter formats (4 week, 8 week, etc.) receive the appropriate proportional credit. - For full semester (16 week) fall and spring semester classes, credit hours may be computed by the following formula:
1 classroom hour per week = 1 semester credit hour
2 laboratory hours per week = 1 semester credit hour
3 manipulative laboratory hours per week = 1 semester credit hour
10 work experience (Work-based Learning) hours per week = 1 semester credit hour
The credit value of each curriculum course is found in the College Catalog. Grades issued by the College are based upon quality of achievement of the objectives of the course being taken. The following system of letter grades will be used for recording student achievement.
A Represents work of definitely superior quality and is reserved for the few outstanding students. It is distinctly the honor mark B Represents work of excellent quality and is recorded for those who do work which is clearly above average C Represents work of average quality and is recorded for those students who do average work D Represents work which is below the average but above failure F Represents work that is not of an acceptable quality P Passing* R Repeat* I Represents incomplete. An incomplete grade must be removed within 3 semesters or the incomplete automatically becomes a grade of F IE Represents incomplete emergency due to emergencies such as COVID 19 EI Represents emergency incomplete due to emergencies W Represents withdrawal from a course. This grade will be assigned to all students who withdraw themselves or are withdrawn from a course by the 90 % point of the semester. This grade will also be assigned to all students who are withdrawn from a course by an instructor after the 90% point of the semester because of extenuating circumstances. Course instructors need to have the appropriate Dean’s approval for a W after the 90% point of the semester. WE Represents withdrawal emergency from a course due to emergencies such as COVID 19 EW Represents emergency withdrawal due to emergencies NS Represents never attending a class for which a student registered Y Represents audit TR Transfer Credit AP Advanced Placement or R.A.C.E. (*) Represents repeated courses; GPA refigured (.) Represents course not included in GPA of current program of study S Passing − student accomplished class objectives from “standard of progress” (for Non-curriculum course work only) U Failing − student failed to meet course requirements and/or attend 80% of the course contact hours to be eligible for a passing grade (for Non-curriculum course work only) SR Represents audit as senior citizen with a tuition exemption CLEP CLEP Credit XA
Credit by Exam with grade of A
Credit by Exam with grade of B
Credit by Exam with grade of C
*These grades are assigned only for DMA and DRE prefix developmental courses.
- All grades are recorded on a student's official transcript and graduation readiness summary at the completion of each semester. The student will be furnished with a report of grades earned. Once grades have been awarded, they may be changed only with the written authorization of the instructor and the approval of the Vice President for Instruction. Instructor records of grades are maintained by the Vice President for Instruction for three (3) years and then destroyed. Thereafter, the only official record of grades is the student's permanent transcript.
The College has the right to set academic standards which students must meet. A student is entitled to an explanation from his or her instructor(s) for the basis of his/her grade to ensure that the grade has not been assigned in an arbitrary and capricious manner. For purposes of these Procedures, a course grade is deemed to have been assigned in an arbitrary and capricious manner if:- The course grade was based upon the student’s race, religion, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or expression, pregnancy, age, disability, genetic information, political affiliation, veteran’s status, or other protected class in accordance with all applicable federal, state and local laws, or for some other arbitrary or personal reason unrelated to the instructor’s exercise of his or her professional academic judgment in the evaluation of the academic performance of the student;
- The course grade was assigned in a manner not consistent with the standards and procedures for evaluation established by the instructor, usually at the beginning of the course in the course syllabus but supplemented on occasion during the semester in other written or oral communications directed to the class as a whole; or
- The course grade assigned by the instructor was the result of a clear and material mistake in calculating or recording grades.
The grade point is used to evaluate the student's scholarship record. Grade points are allocated to credit hours earned as follows:
A 4 grade points for each credit hour B 3 grade points for each credit hour C 2 grade points for each credit hour D 1 grade point for each credit hour F 0 grade points for each credit hour P not calculated in grade points R not calculated in grade points W not calculated in grade points EW not calculated in grade points WE not calculated in grade points I not calculated in grade points EI not calculated in grade points IE not calculated in grade points NS not calculated in grade points Y not calculated in grade points
XA not calculated in grade points XB not calculated in grade points XC not calculated in grade points Requirements for degrees and diplomas are computed not only in semester hours credit but also in grade points, the numerical equivalents of the letter grades earned by students. The grade point average (or GPA) is determined by dividing the total number of grade points by the total number of credit hours attempted at Blue Ridge Community College. Calculation of the GPA for graduation purposes is based only on those courses which are applicable to the degree or diploma. If a course is repeated, only the points and credit hours earned in the attempt with the highest grade will be used in the computation of the GPA to determine eligibility for graduation
- Non-curriculum operates programs that are governed by rules from various governing bodies; therefore, the attendance policy for these classes will adhere to these rules and students will be informed of these rules at the first class meeting. Non-curriculum students are expected to attend 80% of the scheduled class hours.
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