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Each full-time faculty should create a course syllabus for all course delivery methods. For the traditional seated class delivery method, the course syllabus can be distributed in class. For any Distance Learning delivery method (hybrid or fully online), the syllabus should be provided within the College’s LMS system; however, each course is required to make use of the Syllabus Book component, which provides information (policies, resources, procedures, etc.) that is generic to all courses for the college. Each department may have specific policies and procedures that should be included; instructors should check with their department chairs for this information. Sample syllabi are available in the Moodle Resources for Faculty site. See Appendix B for the Sample Syllabus Template provided by the Office for Instruction.
Adjunct faculty will be provided with the existing course syllabus for the class to which the adjunct has been contracted to teach. Adjunct faculty should make only those edits relative to contact information, etc., and add any class policies that he/she wants to be additional requirements for students. This applies to all delivery methods.
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Please see the syllabus template. Check with your Lead Instructor or Chair for any program-related updates or information that need to be added to your specific syllabus. Please update it and save it as a pdf. Full-time faculty should upload their syllabi to the H-Drive under Instruction Central in the Syllabi folder for the correct semester. Adjunct faculty should send your syllabi to your Lead Instructor, Chair, or to the Office for Instruction at and it will get uploaded to the H-drive for you.
Videos for how to create and upload the syllabus template: