

Prior to your first day of employment, this list of Human Resources forms must be completed and submitted to Human Resources for full-time faculty and to the Office for Instruction for adjunct faculty.

Forms for ALL new faculty (full and part-time)

Full Time Faculty First Year Orientation:

Between the fall and spring semesters of a faculty member’s first year, approximately 12 hours of faculty orientation will be provided.  Most of these sessions will take place with other new instructors in an effort to facilitate relationship building among colleagues.  Topics covered include but are not limited to the following: 

  • Tour of campus/ group activity 

  • The Mission of the community college 

  • Faculty culture at Blue Ridge 

  • Student Services 

  • Assessment of student learning 

  • Understanding course expectations 

  • Managing your course load 

  • Accessibility at Blue Ridge 

  • Human Resources services and the organizational chart

  • Committee service  

Full time Faculty Mentoring Program:

All new full-time instructors will be assigned to a mentor team that will work with the new instructor for the first two years of employment at Blue Ridge. Faculty mentors are experienced instructors selected by their department leaders for their ability to listen non-judgmentally and to provide consistent support.  The purpose of the mentor team is to guide and support the new instructor in a confidential manner.  Mentor teams do not share information with a new instructor’s supervisor(s). Mentors and new instructors will receive training and resources as they begin their mentor team relationship.  Some key responsibilities of the mentor team include:

  • Monthly team meetings 

  • Observation of the new instructor each semester with follow-up discussion 

  • Observation of faculty mentors with follow-up discussion 

  • New instructor self-assessment with mentor feedback each semester

Adjunct Faculty Orientation:

New adjunct faculty orientation sessions are held at least once a year and are required for all adjunct faculty and/or new faculty. The primary responsibility of orienting the new adjunct faculty members belongs to the lead instructor, for applicable courses, and the department chair.

Adjunct faculty receive all account information for using any technology with the College once a contract for services has been signed from the Office for Instruction. The account information includes the following:

  • The BRCC e-mail account username

  • Instructions to establish an appropriate password

  • Contact information to reach the IT Help Desk

The username and password enables faculty to log onto computers at BRCC and also serves as access for using copiers, school e-mail, and the College’s LMS.

Orientation will include information, assistance, materials, teaching aids, and other resources for new full-time and part-time curriculum faculty. The department chair also assist in this process.