1.4 Mission Statement

1.4 Mission Statement

Policy TrackingDate
ApprovedJuly 1, 1992

Mission - September 9, 2013:

July 11, 2017;March 11, 2019

ReviewedJune 9, 2020

Our Mission:  Blue Ridge Community College empowers individuals with knowledge and skills to enrich our communities and build a competitive workforce.

  1. Blue Ridge Community College shall periodically review and update its mission statement to ensure that the mission statement is current and comprehensive and accurately guides the College’s operations.
  2. This review will take place as part of the College’s strategic planning process, or more frequently at the discretion of the President. The Director of Planning, Research and Institutional Effectiveness will lead the review and present the findings to the President. The President will then recommend a statement of the institutional mission for consideration and action to the Board of Trustees.

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