1.10 The Board of Trustees - Legal Basis

1.10 The Board of Trustees - Legal Basis

Policy TrackingDate
ApprovedMarch 10, 1997
RevisedJanuary 10, 2022
ReviewedMarch 9, 2023

  1. The legal basis for the authority of the State Board over the Community College System is G.S. 115D and State Code 1B SBCCC 300.1 which states:
    All power and authority vested by law in the State Board which relates to the internal administration, regulation, and governance of any individual college of the Community College System are hereby delegated to the board of trustees of such college with the following exceptions and reservations:

    1. Power or authority that is non-delegable as a matter of law;

    2. Power or authority in matters of system-wide or inter-college importance is reserved for determination by the State Board;

    3. The State Board reserves the right to rescind any power or authority as it deems necessary in accordance with G.S. 150B; and

    4. The governing authority of the State Board pertaining to the assurance of:

      1. fiscal accountability,

      2. program accountability, and

      3. satisfaction of state priorities.

  2. The Board of Trustees (Board)of Blue Ridge Community College functions pursuant to the statute and regulations of North Carolina and the United States, and the policies, rules, and regulations of the State Board. A copy of G.S. 115D is provided to each new trustee during an orientation session with the College President and is posted on the Board website. Copies of the policies and regulations of the State Board and minutes of the meetings of the Board of Trustees are available to all trustees for reference on the Board website.

  3. The Board of Trustees (“Board”) is a body corporate. Members of the Board have authority only when acting as the Board in a properly and duly called meeting. The Board will not be bound in any way by any statement or action on the part of an individual Board member or employee except when such action is specifically instructed and authorized by the Board.

Blue Ridge Community College Policies and Procedures Manual