4.14 Student Transfer Agreements

4.14 Student Transfer Agreements

Policy TrackingDate
ApprovedOctober 1, 2002
ReviewedJanuary 11, 2021

  1. Transfer of courses between institutions in the North Carolina Community College System and the University of North Carolina is governed by the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement developed by the two systems. Transfer of courses between institutions in the North Carolina Community College System and Independent Colleges and Universities in North Carolina is governed by the Independent Comprehensive Articulation Agreement.
  2. The President or a designee is authorized to develop additional agreements on transfer credit between Blue Ridge Community College and other two- and four-year colleges and universities.
  3. With the exception of formal transfer agreements, any student planning to transfer credit earned at Blue Ridge Community College to another college or university must do so on an individual basis.
  4. The College makes no claim about the transferability of credits in such vocational and technical curricula except in cases where a specific transfer agreement is in effect.

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