7.2.2 Continuing Education Units
Policy Tracking | Date |
Approved | |
Revised | November 10, 2003 |
Reviewed |
- A Continuing Education Unit (CEU) is a uniform unit of measurement for a non-curriculum class equivalent to 10 contact hours of participation. CEU’s are awarded for any program that is at least one hour in length.
- Responsibility for the final determination of the number of CEU’s to be awarded for a program rests with the Vice President for Economic and Workforce Development/Continuing Education (EWD/CE).
- Calculations of contact hours may include the following elements:
- In-class time with direct participation between the learner and instructor is converted directly to contact hours.
- Activities in which there is no instructor presented, such as supervised independent study, computer-assisted instruction or distance learning instruction, the contact hours are determined after field testing has shown the average amount of time required to complete the activity.
- Field experiences, laboratory assignments, and projects may qualify for CEU’s if they are sufficiently structured. The number of contact hours is determined after field-testing has shown the average amount of time required to complete the activity.
- The following activities are not to be included when calculating the number of contact hours:
- Time for study, assigned reading and other related activities outside the classroom or meeting schedule.
- Meeting time devoted to business or committee activities.
- Time allotted to events such as socials, refreshment breaks, luncheons, receptions and dinners.
- The College shall issue a transcript to each individual who qualifies for CEU credit and requests a record of completion. The College shall archive all permanent transcript records according to record retention procedures.
Blue Ridge Community College Policies and Procedures Manual