9.11.1 Emergency Medical Assistance

9.11.1 Emergency Medical Assistance

Policy TrackingDate
RevisedNovember 10, 2003

  1. Blue Ridge Community College has no facilities for medical treatment.
  2. Blue Ridge Community College personnel and/or individuals present will contact emergency services at 9-1-1 and request first responder services in the event of a medical emergency.
  3. All accidents involving College employees are to be reported to the Director of Public Safety. Appropriate accident report forms must be completed within 24 hours and submitted to the Director of Public Safety.
  4. Students who are covered under student accident insurance should notify the Vice President for Student Services or a designee within forty-eight (48) hours. If the accident occurs in a classroom or lab, the appropriate faculty should file the Blue Ridge Community College Accident Report Form with copies to the Vice President for Instruction and the Vice President for Student Services or the Vice President for Economic and Workforce Development/Continuing Education, if appropriate. The Vice President for Student Services or a designee will assist the student in making a claim to the insurance company. Students are also encouraged to report any acute medical conditions to the Registrar’s Office and to their instructors. The above information will be held in confidence.
  5. If emergency medical services are required off campus, i.e., firing range, defensive driving course, etc., established emergency medical procedures for that location should be followed in conjunction with the aforementioned procedures.
  6. The following procedures should be followed if an accident occurs involving a College vehicle:
    1. Dial 9-1-1 if emergency services or an ambulance is needed;
    2. Contact the appropriate law enforcement agency to obtain a report;
    3. Obtain as much information as possible from any other parties involved in the accident; and
    4. Contact the Director of Public Safety.
  7. Medical first aid kits are located in each building. A list of locations is available from the Director of Public Safety.

    See also Section 5.6.6 – Workers’ Compensation

Blue Ridge Community College Policies and Procedures Manual