7.5.1 Non-Curriculum Class Locations

7.5.1 Non-Curriculum Class Locations

Policy TrackingDate
RevisedNovember 10, 2003

  1. Non-curriculum classes shall be offered at the College's Henderson County Campus or Transylvania County Campus and at other locations as arranged throughout the College's service area of Henderson and Transylvania counties. All off-campus locations must be approved by the Vice President for Economic and Workforce Development/Continuing Education (EWD/CE) or the Vice President for Instruction, as appropriate.
  2. Efforts shall be made to ensure that classroom facilities provide an appropriate environment that is conducive to learning.
  3. The President or a designee must approve any non-curriculum classes offered in private homes or private home-based businesses prior to the classes being offered.
  4. Distance learning is an approved delivery method for some non-curriculum classes.

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