4.22.1 Drug Abuse Prevention Program

4.22.1 Drug Abuse Prevention Program

Policy TrackingDate

December 14, 2020


  1. An ongoing informational program describing the dangers of narcotics, alcoholic beverages, and stimulant drugs is conducted by the Division of Student Services. Posters and other printed materials obtained either commercially or from federal agencies are posted campus-wide.
  2. Online resources containing agency directories for Henderson and Transylvania Counties are used by counselors and other appropriate personnel in referring clients to community resources.
  3. Individual referrals to outside agencies will be made during counseling sessions by trained personnel in the Division of Student Services.
  4. Use of narcotics, alcoholic beverages, and stimulant drugs is listed as a specific major offense in the Blue Ridge Community College Policy Governing Student Misconduct. This policy isoutlined in the College Catalogand Student Handbook.It is available on our catalog webpage and in Student Services. This publication i s distributed to prospective and new students and is available from the Division of Student Services. Professional assistance may be required as a part of any disciplinary process enacted as a result of the commission of this offense.
  5. Each new student will be provided drug abuse prevention information during orientation sessions scheduled prior to the beginning of each semester.
  6. Materials concerning drug abuse prevention will be made available to students through the Division of Student Services.
  7. Drug abuse prevention information is sent to all curriculum students, both new and returning at the beginning of each semester in the form of an email. In addition, all employees of the College receive the same information, distributed through the campus email system.
  8. Blue Ridge Community College will cooperate fully with local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies in cases of felonious acts involving narcotics, alcoholic beverages, and stimulant drugs.
  9. Where employees of Blue Ridge Community College are concerned, professional assistance and referral services will be provided the same as for students.

Blue Ridge Community College Policies and Procedures Manual