/ Credit for Prior Learning Credit for Prior Learning

Policy TrackingDate
ApprovedJanuary 26, 2022

The College recognizes that students may request work-based learning course credit for prior learning using apprenticeships, certifications and licensures, courses listed in high school to community college articulation agreements, military education and training, standardized examinations, challenge examinations, portfolio assessments, and public safety training prefix courses consistent with College policy and State Board of Community College code 1D SBCCC 800.2.

To ensure optimum management and student opportunities, students must follow the below procedures to request a prior learning assessment ("PLA"):

  1. The student must be admitted as a full-time or part-time student at the College and meet all requirements for the program in which course credit for prior learning is being sought.
  2. The student must make application to the College for prior learning through the Registrar’s Office and provide any documentation that supports their application.
  3. Students are referred to an instructor in the area of the student’s interest to recommend evaluations necessary to determine the student’s level of expertise in the course(s).
  4. An instructor will evaluate the student’s knowledge, skills, and experience in the program field to determine if the student should be considered for PLA credit.
  5. Upon completion of evaluations, the student will be informed of recommendations for award of credit or course work needed.
  6. All documentation of the PLA process, including evaluation results, must be maintained in the student’s file by the Registrar’s Office.

Academic departments determine the specific procedures they utilize to grant course credit, course waivers, or prerequisite overrides and determine the scores or outcomes required for such consideration.

Students who wish to receive credit for prior learning must consult with the dean of the College department that offers courses in that area. Such requests will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. The dean’s decision for CPL is final.

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