4.21.1 Student Publications

4.21.1 Student Publications

Policy TrackingDate
ApprovedApril 17, 1997
RevisedAugust 20, 2015
ReviewedJanuary 11, 2021

  1. Student publications will be established according to the needs and interests of the student body. The Student Government Association will be responsible for determining whether or not there is sufficient interest, if adequate funds are available for all costs of the publication, how often the publication will be printed, the type of publication desired, and the selection of an advisor.

  2. After the determination is made to implement the publication, this information is to be presented to the Vice President for Student Services who will determine its purpose, content, and appropriateness to the mission, general philosophy and educational objectives of the College and its role in the community. All publications must be submitted to the Public Information Officer for approval before publication. The Vice President will present the proposed publication to the President for final approval.

    Upon the approval of the President, with the assistance of the advisor, the SGA may begin publication. The President will make the final decision for approval or disapproval of publications.

  3. Blue Ridge Community College encourages student publications. The basic purposes of these publications are to enhance communications among students and between students and faculty/staff and to provide students with the opportunity for responsible participation in institutional governance.

    1. Each publication shall have a faculty/staff advisor who will provide advice and assistance to the staff but will not be held responsible for the publication.
    2. Reporting will be factual and objective and publications will be in good taste.
    3. Blue Ridge Community College reserves the right to suspend the activities of any student organization when its activities are not considered to be in the best interest of the College.

Blue Ridge Community College Policies and Procedures Manual