4.24.1 Student Transcripts

4.24.1 Student Transcripts

Policy TrackingDate
ApprovedApril 17, 1997
RevisedMarch 6, 2019
ReviewedJanuary 11, 2021

  1. An Official transcript of courses taken at Blue Ridge Community College by students in good standing will be issued to the appropriate institution, agency, or individual upon written request by the student. "Good standing" is defined as having no outstanding liabilities with the College.
  2. Unofficial transcripts are available through the College’s online system. Official transcripts for curriculum classes are issued by the registrar’s office. Official transcripts for Non-curriculum classes are issued by the Economic and Workforce Development/Continuing Education office.
  3. Transcript requests for curriculum and non-curriculum classes are processed within two business days of receipt. Official transcripts can be picked up by the student or mailed according to the student’s instructions when processed.
  4. Curriculum and non-curriculum students requesting an official transcript will be charged a fee, which is set annually by the College Board of Trustees.

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