2.12 Naming of Buildings and Programs
2.12 Naming of Buildings and Programs
Policy Tracking | Date |
Approved | July 9, 2008 |
Revised | September 13, 2021 |
Reviewed |
- Blue Ridge Community College and Blue Ridge Community College Educational Foundation continually seek private funds to enhance the College’s ability to meet the higher education needs of the community. To that end, the College should provide appropriate recognition to donors. Naming recognition may take many forms; however, this policy is intended to establish guidelines in the naming of programs, buildings, facilities, and other campus areas as donor or individual recognition. It is the policy of the Board of Trustees that naming opportunities shall be consistent with level of giving or with the magnitude of the contribution to the College. The Board of Trustees clarifies that these are guidelines, and it retains its right and discretion to make exceptions to these guidelines or alter criteria or conditions as appropriate to circumstances or opportunities which may arise.
- Potential nominations for naming buildings, parts of buildings, facilities, programs or endowed chairs will be made to the College President. Nominations should be accompanied by a brief written explanation and outline of how the policies set forth have been met including donor name and amount of gift, current and proposed name, and justification for the naming, including the nature and duration of the individual’s or organization’s affiliation with the College. A person may nominate any individual, regardless of whether he/she has provided a financial gift to the College, who is in good standing in the community and has demonstrated an exceptional and distinguished service record to the College and/or to the College’s mission.
- Within two weeks of receipt of the nomination, the President will make an initial review of the nomination to determine its merit and its consistency with the College's goals and objectives. The President may then decide whether to submit the nomination to the Board of Trustees for approval. If the nomination passes the initial review, the President will provide all Board members with the name of the nominee and a copy of the written explanation.
- If the Board members determine that there is sufficient interest to consider this person or organization, at the next regular meeting of the Board, the Chairman shall appoint an ad hoc Naming and Recognition Committee of not less than three Board members. The President will be an ex officio member of this committee. The Chairman may designate any other member of the College staff, the Blue Ridge Community College Educational Foundation, or the community to serve on this committee in an ex officio capacity. No individual shall serve on the committee in any capacity if that individual is a nominee for a naming right.
- The Naming and Recognition Committee shall use whatever means it deems appropriate to determine whether this proposed action is in the best long-term interest of the College and whether the contribution of the individual or organization is of such significance to warrant this action. As a guide, the Committee should consider the following:
- Buildings and sections of buildings such as classrooms, labs and conference halls shall be named in recognition for major gifts that are equal to at least 50% of the construction or renovation cost of the area being named.
- Areas other than buildings, such as walkways, pavilions, or garden areas, require a donation of 100% of the construction or renovation costs.
- Blue Ridge Community College Educational Foundation should maintain a campus-wide naming schedule listing suggested gift levels for naming opportunities on campus.
- Buildings or areas will be named only for companies, organizations, or individuals that reflect favorably upon the College and whose gift will advance the mission of the College. The Board of Trustees reserves the right to refuse any gift.
- Naming will occur when a cash gift is received, a pledge is satisfied, real estate or stock is converted to cash, or a bequest is received. No naming will occur until the full amount necessary to fulfill the financial obligation has been received by the College or the Blue Ridge Community College Educational Foundation.
- Should the company, organization, or individual making a naming gift come into disrepute in the College or community at large, the College reserves full rights to discontinue the use of that name in association with the College.
- For a nomination not based on a financial gift, the nominee should have an outstanding reputation and be in good standing in the community and have demonstrated an exceptional and distinguished service record to the College and/or to the College’s mission.
- Naming rights shall be for the life of the facility, program, or area, so long as such is used for the same purpose as when the gift was made. Planned demolition or significant renovation shall terminate the naming recognition unless otherwise designated by the Board.
- The Committee will make its recommendation to the Board of Trustees at a regular meeting. If the Board determines there is not sufficient evidence to support this action, no further action will be taken. If the Board determines that there is sufficient evidence and support to consider this action, the Board will vote in open session to consider the request.
- The College will make arrangements for a commemorative plaque and dedication ceremony, as appropriate.
- The Guidelines set forth in this policy statement shall not be deemed all-inclusive.
Naming Opportunity Guidelines
Facility Commemoration Opportunities | Minimum Gift |
New Construction or Existing Building (unnamed) | The amount of minimum contribution shall be determined by the Board of Trustees prior to new construction of a building, addition or renovation project. |
Classroom Laboratory, or Conference Room | |
Athletic Facility (or parts of) | |
New Construction or existing outdoor areas (walkways, pavilions, garden areas) | |
Existing outdoor areas or structures | 100% of construction cost or 100% of renovation/upgrade cost. |
Endowed Chair or Faculty Member | $1,000,000 |
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