4.13.1 Curriculum Student Classification

4.13.1 Curriculum Student Classification

Policy TrackingDate
ApprovedOctober 1, 2002
RevisedMay 9, 2022
ReviewedOctober 16, 2020

  1. Student Definitions: A full-time student is a student enrolled in a given semester with twelve (12) or more semester hours of credit. A part-time student is a student enrolled with fewer than twelve (12) semester hours of credit. A freshman is a student who has completed less than half the required credit hours of an associate degree program and a sophomore is a student who has completed more than half the required credit hours of an associate degree program.
  2. Dean's List: At the close of each semester, full-time degree seeking students carrying a load of 12 or more credit hours in fall and spring (9 credit hours in summer) will be included on the Dean's List, provided that the grade point average of all their grades for that semester is 3.5 or better. The appropriate Dean may make exceptions for students completing Work-based Learning assignments.
  3. Part-time Students: Students may enroll for individual curriculum courses. Credit earned by such students may be applied to a degree, diploma, or certificate depending upon the level of such work.
  4. Special Credit Students: Students who do not wish to apply for a degree, diploma, or certificate program may enroll for individual curriculum courses upon completion of an application for admission only. Special Credit students who later wish to enroll in a program of study must complete all admission requirements and declare a program of study. Credit earned as a special credit student may be applied to program requirements, if appropriate.

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