2.10.1 Institutional Effectiveness

2.10.1 Institutional Effectiveness

Policy TrackingDate
ApprovedMarch 4, 2024
RevisedMarch 4, 2024
ReviewedFebruary 20, 2024

  1. The College engages in ongoing, integrated, and institution-wide research-based planning and evaluation processes that (1) incorporate a systematic review of institutional mission, goals, and outcomes; (2) result in continuous improvement in institutional quality; and (3) demonstrate the institution is effectively accomplishing its mission.
  2. The Office of Planning, Research, and Institutional Effectiveness guides the planning and evaluation processes at the College. At a minimum, the College’s planning processes address the following:
    1. Program and facility needs
    2. Evaluation of student outcomes
    3. Includes the College’s mission, goals and objectives, which are consistent with the mission of the NCCCS and with the State Board’s priorities.
  3. Strategic Plan: At least Every six years the College undertakes a college-wide review of the mission and develops a new strategic plan. The Strategic Plan informs the college’s budgeting allocations as well as all other ongoing planning at the college, including program and unit level planning.
    1. The Strategic Plan is approved by the Board of Trustees and is widely disseminated to the College. 
    2. Progress toward attainment of the College’s strategic goals is evaluated annually by the President’s Council and adjustments are made accordingly to ensure continuous movement toward our goals.
  4. College programs and services are assessed annually and strategies for improvement are developed based on those assessments.
  5. The College monitors the quality and viability of all its programs and services.
    1. Each curriculum program is reviewed at least every five (5) years to determine program strengths and weaknesses to identify areas for program improvement. See Procedure 6.1.4 for details.
    2. Each continuing education program, including Basic Skills, occupational extension, and community service is reviewed at least every five (5) years to determine program strengths and weaknesses to identify areas for program improvement. See Procedure 7.2.4 for details.
    3. Each service area is reviewed at least every five (5) years to determine unit strengths and weaknesses and to identify areas in need of improvement. 
  6. The College publishes its data on all performance measures annually in its electronic catalog or on the internet.

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