2.17.2 Sustainable Campus Landscape Planting

2.17.2 Sustainable Campus Landscape Planting

Policy TrackingDate
RevisedFebruary 2, 2011

In support of the campusSustainable Workplace Policy (2.17), plantings at Henderson County campus and Transylvania County campus shall be:

  1. Ecologically appropriate and reflect our desire to be thoughtful stewards of the natural resource under our protection
  2. Regionally adapted and suitable for landscape microclimates, pest pressures, and soils of the campuses
  3. Composed of native plants grouped in biodiverse natural associations when possible
  4. Educational, communicating a sense of place that helps students, staff, administrators, and guests understand the rich biodiversity and the limiting resources of our mountain region.

Blue Ridge Community College Policies and Procedures Manual