2.21.1 Standing Committees
Policy Tracking | Date |
Approved | March 4, 2024 |
Revised | March 4, 2024 |
Reviewed | March 4, 2024 |
Standing committees are an integral part of the operation of Blue Ridge Community College and are established by the President. The chair of each committee as well as the individual committee members are appointed by the President, unless otherwise stated in this section. Reappointments for additional terms may be made at the discretion of the President. Where applicable, student representatives for each committee are appointed by the committee chairperson. Each standing committee will assign a secretary to record the minutes of the committee meetings, and, upon approval, such minutes shall be published on the Blue Ridge Community College Intranet. Each committee will meet at least once per year and upon notification of the chairperson with such notification to members at least four (4) days prior to the actual meeting time. Blue Ridge Community College standing committees are as follows:
- Carl Perkins Committee – The purpose of the Carl Perkins Committee is the procurement, management, and reporting associated with the Federal Career and Technical Education Funding. The Committee shall consist of fifteen (15) standing members including: Dean of Advanced Technologies, Dean of Health Sciences, Dean of Public Safety, Dean of Business and Service Careers, Dean of Adult Education and Literacy, Chair of Engineering and Advanced Manufacturing, Chair of Transportation, Chair of Service Career Programs, Chair of Business Programs, Director of Nursing, Chair of Fire, Chair of EMS, HCC Career Coach, TCC Career Coach, HCC Recruiter, TCC Recruiter and the Vice President for Instruction. All members and the chair are appointed by the President. The Chair shall serve for three years or as designated by the President. The committee meets as needed during the academic year.
- Program Advisory Committees – A Program Advisory Committee will be organized for each technical and vocational curriculum program offered by the College. The chief function of each Program Advisory Committee is to aid the College in maintaining a level of practical instruction, which has real meaning for the citizens of our community in terms of conditions in the community. Some specific functions which these committees may serve are as follows: (1) helping to establish communication channels between Blue Ridge Community College and community occupational groups; (2) listing specific skills and suggesting related (science, math, human relations) and technical information for the program; (3) helping in evaluation of the graduates of the program; (4) suggesting ways for improving the public relations program at the College; (5) assisting in recruiting, providing internships, and in placing qualified graduates in appropriate jobs; (6) keeping the College informed on changes in the labor market, specific needs, and labor surpluses; (7) providing means through which the College can better inform the community of occupational programs; and (8) assessing program needs in terms of the entire community. In addition, the Program Advisory Committee can assist the College by giving suggestions on the following: initiation of new occupational education programs; expansion, curtailment, or elimination of established programs; interpretation of manpower and skill requirement studies in terms of curriculum needs; and identification and acquisition of shop and lab equipment. The duties of the committee will be to advise, in any way, in order to continually upgrade the occupational offerings of the College. Each Program Advisory Committee will be composed of a faculty member or Department Dean from each curriculum area, and three or more representatives from industry, business, the professions, and other areas of the community where graduates from the program are employed. In addition, the Vice President for Instruction or a designee may serve on any advisory committee. Accurate minutes of the proceedings of each committee shall be recorded and filed with the Vice President for Instruction as permanent records of the College. All program advisory committees must meet at least annually, unless written approval is granted by the President or applicable Vice President for an exception.
- Faculty Senate - The Faculty Senate will meet monthly and as deemed necessary by Senate members and administration. Representatives from each Curriculum Department will be chosen. For the purposes of this document, the term Curriculum Department is defined to mean Arts and Sciences, Advanced Technologies, Business and Service Careers, Health Sciences, and Public Safety. The Arts & Science, Business & Service Careers and Advanced Technologies Curriculum Departments have their own discretionary power to appoint one Faculty Senate member, and that Curriculum Department's respective dean will appoint the other Faculty Senate member. The Transylvania Campus, Public Safety and Health Science departments will have one Faculty Senate member. Faculty Senate members will serve a two-year term. Faculty Senate officers (Senate Chair, Vice-chair, Secretary) will be chosen from the Faculty Senate members. They will retain their voting rights in addition to fulfilling their additional responsibilities. An agenda will be prepared for each meeting by the chair with the aid of the officers, based on issues put forth to representatives from their departments and those brought to the Senate by the administration. The Faculty Senate will operate within the parameters of its approved bylaws. The bylaws must have a revision date notation recorded on the cover page. Proper documentation of changes must be recorded in the minutes of the Faculty Senate. The Faculty Senate shall have no administrative responsibilities, but shall serve as the source of policy formation and revision in academic matters that relate to the instructional program to provide an environment of excellent teaching and learning. The officers of the Faculty Senate shall be elected for a term of one (1) year. Accurate minutes of the Senate proceedings shall be recorded and filed as a permanent record of the College.
- Financial Aid and Scholarship Committee – The Financial Aid and Scholarship Committee reviews and evaluates practices and procedures used in the financial aid program. It determines scholarship recipients and long-term institutional loan recipients and may be called on, at the discretion of the Financial Aid Director, for decisions in awarding other types of student financial aid. Through its diverse membership, it provides a vehicle for communication about the financial aid program to and from the College community. The committee shall consist of ten (10) members including: the Financial Aid Director, Financial Aid Coordinator, and Vice President for Student Services, Student Services Representative, and the Student Services Coordinator for the Transylvania County Campus. Four faculty members, representing the various departments of the College, are recommended by the Faculty Senate Chairperson, with the recommendation of their respective Department Dean, and a representative from Economic and Workforce Development/Continuing Education. Accurate minutes of the proceedings shall be kept on file in the Division of Student Services as permanent records of the College. Terms are for three years and members may be reappointed. The committee meets as needed throughout the academic year, with most meetings held during the summer term.
- Accessibility Committee- The purpose of the Accessibility Committee is to provide leadership for the creation and delivery of web, and digital learning content that is fully accessible to all faculty, students and staff. The committee will review all aspects of electronic information, including websites, e-Learning, and purchasing of electronic or digital resources to insure accessibility compliance with State and Federal laws. The Committee will also address physical accessibility of all campus locations. The Committee shall consist of 10 (ten) members including: 2 faculty members, the Webmaster, a Distance Learning staff member, an Information Technology staff member, 1 Continuing Education staff or faculty, a Human Resources staff member, the Director of Disability Services, the Director of Facilities and Plant Operations, and a Vice President. All members and the chair are appointed by the President. Terms are for three years and members may be reappointed.
- Internal Control Committee – Purpose-Enhancing Accountability in Government through Leadership and Education (EAGLE) is a State Program that requires Blue Ridge Community College to perform an annual assessment of internal control. By completing the annual assessment, the College will benefit by: 1) identifying risks and compensating controls that reduce the possibility of material misstatements and misappropriation of assets; 2) identifying compliance requirements and correlating controls for the federal programs/grants; and 3) recognizing opportunities to increase efficiency and effectiveness in business processes and operations. Terms are for three years and members may be reappointed.
- Library Committee – The purpose of the Library Committee shall be to assist in the overall development of the Library by making recommendations on new acquisitions and publications; and reviewing all faculty, staff, and student requests for additional physical and digital library materials; The committee will assist and make recommendations as to policies and procedures for the Library. This Committee will serve as a liaison between faculty and administration and the Library. The Library Committee will consist of eleven (11) members: four program faculty members representing each department, two general education faculty members, the Director of Library Services, two librarians (one from each campus), the Vice President for Instruction, and a member of the student body. Faculty representatives are recommended by the Vice President for Instruction based upon the recommendation of the Department Deans. The Committee shall meet a minimum of four (4) times during each school year. Accurate minutes of the committee proceedings shall be recorded with a copy being filed in the Library and copies delivered to the President, the Vice President for Student Services, and the Vice President for Instruction. Terms are for three years and members may be reappointed.
- President’s Council – The purpose of the President’s Council is to guide the annual planning process for the College, make recommendations to the President regarding educational and operational matters affecting the College, serve as a decision-making resource for the President, and facilitate dialogue between constituency groups in order to evaluate College statistics, set goals and strategic directions, and prioritize the human, physical, technological, and financial needs of the College. Council duties include the following: (a) Assist in the development of the College’s Action Plans, Facilities Master Plan, and other College plans, as necessary; (b) Develop specific College-wide objectives consistent with the stated mission, vision, and values of the College, with the College’s Strategic Plan and the goals of the Board of Trustees; (c) Make recommendations to the President regarding program, budgetary, and operational needs of the College; (d) Analyze assessment results and make recommendations for improvement; (e) Track the College’s progress on accreditation matters; and (f) Perform other specific tasks as directed by the President. The President’s Council shall consist of the following members: President, Vice Presidents, Associate Vice Presidents, College Deans, Director of Planning, Research and Institutional Effectiveness, Director of Marketing and Communications, Director of Human Resources, all members of the Faculty Senate including the Faculty Senate Chair, the current SGA President, one non-curriculum faculty member; staff members from each of the following areas: Student Services, General Administration, Instruction, Finance, Economic and Workforce Development/Continuing Education, and one member at large. All rotating members are appointed by the President, upon recommendations by their respective Vice President. The Blue Ridge Community College Faculty Senate may recommend faculty to fill faculty member vacancies to the Vice President for Instruction. Faculty Senators will serve a two year term that is concurrent with their term as senator. All other terms are for three years and members may be reappointed. The Council meets seven (7) times per year, which includes one all day retreat.
- Academic Assessment Committee - The purpose of the Academic Assessment Committee is to lead academic assessment at the College to meet students’ learning needs. The primary goal of the committee is to help coordinate a user-friendly and meaningful college-wide assessment process for program, general education competency, and course-level student learning outcomes.
Responsibilities of the committee are to:- Collaborate with faculty and staff across campus to ensure the assessment process supports the mission of the College.
- Oversee and guide the policies and procedures of college assessment.
- Assist with assessment activities to meet the SACSCOC Accreditation standards.
- Review assessment data provided by the department of Institutional Effectiveness.
- Serve as mentors for the development and assessment of program, general education competency, and course-level student learning outcomes.
- Coordinate the effort to maintain a culture of assessment through education and training of faculty on writing and assessing student learning and program outcomes, selecting effective measurement methods, applying rubrics as appropriate to ensure inter-rater reliability, analyzing data, and developing strategies to improve based on results.
- Sustainability Committee – The purpose of the Sustainability Committee is to support and advance the College’s sustainability programs, advise management on sustainability initiatives, and plan related activities for employees, students, and visitors. The Committee will concern itself with (1) making recommendations for reducing, reusing, and recycling resources, (2) energy conservation measures, and (3) promoting activities that develop and enhance environmental consciousness. The Committee shall consist of at least twelve (12) members including: the Director of Facilities, Vice President representation, and other members appointed by the President. Terms are for three years and members may be reappointed.
- Technology Committee – The purpose of the Technology Committee is to develop and update the Technology Plan and to advise the CIO and Director of Technology in matters involving technology including: computer hardware and software, distance learning, telecommunications, digital media, multimedia, administrative systems, support systems, and electronic office equipment. The committee shall consist of fourteen (14) members, including the Vice President for General Administration, Chief of Staff, the CIO and the Director of Technology. Appointments shall be drawn from the following areas: Student Services, Finance, Economic and Workforce Development/Continuing Education, General Administration, and Instruction. The President appoints all other committee members. Terms are for three years and members may be reappointed. The entire Technology committee will meet approximately 7 times per year during the months of September through June. Individual members might volunteer to participate in a working group which could add additional meeting times. In general, committee members should anticipate a time commitment of approximately 1.5-2 hours per meeting or a total of 10-14 hours over a course of a full year.
- Wellness Committee – The purpose of the Wellness Committee is to coordinate the College’s wellness program and plan wellness activities for College employees. The committee shall consist of at least twelve (12) members, including the Student Life & Wellness Coordinator and a representative from Human Resources, and shall meet quarterly. The President appoints all other members. Terms are for three years and members may be reappointed.
- Ad Hoc Committees – Ad hoc committees may be established for various purposes to serve the College. These committees may be short term or of a permanent nature. Ad hoc committees should have a chairperson and keep informal notes.
- Emergency Management Committee – The purpose of the Emergency Management Committee is to facilitate communication among various units on campus who are specifically engaged in emergency response on campus. It also serves to help with long range planning of emergency operations and response planning at the college. The group’s responsibilities are to assist with review and planning of emergency response guidelines on campus, to provide advice and counsel to the Police and Public Safety Department in the planning and execution of emergency plans, to inspect emergency related equipment on campus and to foster free communication and an exchange of ideas to make the campus a safer place. The Group will make periodic reviews of the emergency operations and response plans of the college to make sure that the College has the most effective and efficient operations in relation to emergency response. The Group will review compliance with the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) and assist in helping their respective area maintain compliance.
The Emergency Management Committee will be led by the Chief of Police. Appointments will be drawn from the Building Coordinators, the Police and Public Safety Department, the Facilities Department and the Public Information Officer. The Chief of Police will select Building Coordinators with input from Vice Presidents and Deans. Emergency Response Team members are selected by the Chief of Police based on expertise in the area of emergency response. - Behavioral Assessment Team - The Behavioral Assessment Team (BAT) is a multi-disciplinary group whose purpose is meeting regularly to support its target audience (students, employees, faculty, staff) via an established protocol. The team tracks “red flags” over time, detecting patterns, trends, and disturbances in individual or group behavior. The team receives reports of disruptive, problematic, or concerning behavior or misconduct (from faculty, staff, and students, etc.), conducts an investigation, performs a threat assessment, and determines the best mechanisms for support, intervention, warning/notification, and response. The team then deploys its resources, and the resources of the community, and coordinates follow-up. The committee meets monthly and as needed based on reports received.
- Program Review Committee- The Committee examines program review reports, requests for new curriculum programs, and proposed additions and changes to existing curricula. All curriculum revisions, proposed new curricula, or proposals for deletion of curricula must be submitted to this committee for study. Such requests and reports may come from Blue Ridge Community College faculty and staff, Blue Ridge Community College Program Advisory Committees, a community member at large, the System Office, or the Leadership Team. The Committee should verify that curricula proposals or modifications are in compliance with state established curriculum standards, SACSCOC guidelines, articulation agreements, and the Common Course Library. All Committee recommendations shall be directed to the Vice President for Instruction who shall, in turn, take any action items to the President and, where required, to the Board of Trustees. The committee shall consist of: all academic deans, one faculty member from each department, the Vice President for Instruction, the Vice President for Economic and Workforce Development, the VP for General Administration (SACSCOC liaison), Director of Financial Aid, and the Director of Planning, Research and Institutional Effectiveness. The program review committee meets in the fall semester of each academic year.
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