3.20 Political Activities of Employees

3.20 Political Activities of Employees

Policy TrackingDate
ApprovedMarch 12, 2012
RevisedNovember 8, 2020

    No College employee shall solicit support for a political candidate or any issue on a referendum during regular College working hours, on College property, using College stationery or e-mail, or other College resources. The Board of Trustees, however, may authorize the President or the President’s designee to solicit support during regular College working hours for referendums that directly support the College’s interest.
  2. Any employee who becomes a candidate for political office is prohibited from soliciting support while on duty and/or on College property. Any exceptions must have prior written approval from the President.
    1. College Employees
      As an individual, a College employee retains all rights and obligations of citizenship provided in the Constitution and laws of North Carolina and the Constitution and laws of the United States. Therefore, the College encourages an employee to exercise his/her rights and obligations of citizenship.

      Any College employee who decides to run for a public office shall, prior to or at the time of filing for that office, notify the President of his/her intention to run and shall, in writing, certify that his/her will not campaign or otherwise solicit support during regular work hours. Further, any employee who seeks a public office shall, in writing, certify that s/he will not involve the College in his/her political activities.

      Any employee who wishes to participate in any political activity during the normal workday must take leave in accordance with College policy. Also, the employee shall obtain the permission of his/her supervisor in scheduling leave.

      Any employee who is elected or appointed to a part-time public office shall certify, in writing, through the President to the Board of Trustees that the duties of elected office will not interfere with the employee’s ability to carry out the duties of the employee’s position with the College and that if those duties do interfere, as determined by the President or Board of Trustees, the employee will request leave.

      Any employee who is elected or appointed to a full-time office or the General Assembly shall take a leave of absence, without pay, upon assuming that office. The Board of Trustees shall determine the length of the leave of absence.

    2. College President
      If the President decides to run for public office, s/he shall notify the Board of Trustees, prior to filing for that office, of his/her intention to run and certify, in writing, that no campaigning or political activities will be engaged in during regular work hours and that the College will not be involved in the President’s political activities.

      If the President wishes to participate in any political activity during the normal workday, s/he must take leave in accordance with College policy. If the President is elected or appointed to a part-time public office, s/he shall certify, in writing, to the Board of Trustees that the duties of the elected public office will not interfere with his ability to carry out the duties of the College presidency and that if those duties do interfere, as determined by the Board of Trustees, s/he will request leave.

      If the President is elected or appointed to a full-time public office or to the General Assembly, s/he shall take a leave of absence, without pay, upon assuming that office. The Board of Trustees shall determine the length of the leave of absence.

      The President is prohibited from soliciting support for election to public office during regular work hours. The President is also prohibited from soliciting support on College property unless otherwise authorized by the Board of Trustees. The authorization shall be determined on a case-by-case basis. The Board of Trustees shall notify the State Board of Community Colleges if the President becomes a candidate for public office or if the President is elected or appointed to a public office.

    3. Definitions
      Public office means any national, state or local governmental position of public trust and responsibility, whether elective or appointive, which is created or prescribed or recognized by constitution, statute or ordinance. Membership in the General Assembly is a full-time public office under this Policy.

Legal Reference: 1C SBCCC 200.99

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