3.1.2 Employee Classifications

3.1.2 Employee Classifications

Policy TrackingDate
ApprovedJuly 10, 2023
RevisedMay 22, 2023
ReviewedMay 22, 2023

  1. The following classifications are established for Blue Ridge Community College Employees:
    1. Full-Time Employee – any individual who occupies a College designated full-time position working 40 hours per week with benefits. All full-time positions are classified as either full-time curriculum or full-time non-curriculum and exempt or non-exempt.
    2. Part-Time Employee with Benefits – any individual who is employed for 30 to 39 hours per week for at least nine months per year with benefits. All part-time positions with benefits are classified as either a part-time curriculum or part-time non-curriculum and exempt or non-exempt.
    3. Full-Time, Temporary Employee – any individual who is employed in a full-time position (i.e., 40 hours or more per week) but the job is temporary (i.e., generally less than six months except in extraordinary situations). All full-time temporary positions are classified as exempt or non-exempt. For purposes of the Affordable Care Act only, any full-time temporary employee who is anticipated at the date of hire to work in excess of three (3) months during the academic or fiscal year respectively, is considered a full-time employee for purposes of an offer of ACA eligible health insurance. (see Procedure 3.9.13 State Health Plan Eligibility Guidelines for ACA health insurance eligibility)
    4. Part-Time Employee – any individual who is employed for less than 30 hours per week. All part-time positions are classified as either a part-time curriculum or part-time non-curriculum and exempt or non-exempt. If a part-time position exceeds 30 hours per week, they would become subject to the ACA measurement period. (see Procedure 3.9.13 State Health Plan Eligibility Guidelines for ACA health insurance eligibility)
    5. Part-Time, Temporary Employee – any individual who is employed in a part-time position (i.e., less than 30 hours per week) but the job is temporary (i.e., generally less than six months except in extraordinary situations).  Adjunct instructors are considered part-time, temporary employees.
  2. Exempt and Non-exempt Employees are defined as follows:
    1. An exempt employee is an executive, administrative, or professional worker who meets certain prescribed conditions set forth in the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, as amended. Generally, these employees are engaged in executive, administrative, managerial, and instructional faculty work.
    2. A non-exempt employee is covered under the minimum wage and overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act. Generally, these are employees engaged in technical, paraprofessional, secretarial, clerical and skilled craft work.
    3. Neither titles nor positions may be used in determining an employee’s exemption status. An employee’s exemption status is based on assigned duties, responsibilities, and in some instances, the rate of pay.
    4. Questions concerning exempt and non-exempt status are to be referred to the Director of Human Resources. Refer also to Procedure 3.8.1 Salary Plan regarding employee position categories.

Blue Ridge Community College Policies and Procedures Manual