3.17.1 Wellness Activities

3.17.1 Wellness Activities

Policy TrackingDate
RevisedApril 3, 2019
ReviewedOctober 26, 2020

To promote healthier lifestyles, improve physical health, increase productivity, manage stress and sustain high morale, employees of the College are eligible to participate in designated wellness activities. The following provisions shall apply:

    1. Wellness activities are defined as activities that promote physical health including cardiovascular, strength, or flexibility training.
    2. Employees may participate in College-sponsored wellness activities offered before, during and after regular work hours or during break and meal times. Such activities include both physical and non-physical activities that are sponsored by the College Wellness Committee or are offered by the College and approved by the President.
    3. Participation in wellness activities is encouraged by the College but participation in those offered during an employee’s work schedule must be approved in advance by the employee’s supervisor and should not exceed 90 minutes per week. Work priority responsibilities shall supersede all wellness activities.
    4. Participation in wellness activities is voluntary on the part of the employee. Participation in a wellness activity is not in the course or scope of employment with the College. The College is not liable for any injuries due to an employee’s participation in a voluntary wellness activity. Any employee participating in a wellness activity must complete and sign the Employee Assumption of Risk, Release and Indemnification Agreement.

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