3.8.5 On-Call/Callback Pay
Policy Tracking | Date |
Approved | May 13, 2024 |
Revised | May 13, 2024 |
Reviewed | May 13, 2024 |
It is the policy of the College to provide additional compensation to designated FLSA non-exempt employees who are required to serve in on-call status and/or who are called back to work.
Management should carefully weigh the costs and benefits of alternatives before authorizing on-call or emergency callback pay. Reasonableness and fairness shall be exercised in administering this policy.
On-Call - is when an employee must remain available to be called back to work on short notice if the need arises. Note: Leave time and on-call time cannot overlap. (This does not include holidays.) Example: During a 24-hour period, an employee may be on vacation for 8-hours and be on-call for no more than 16 hours in that day.Emergency Callback - is when an employee has left the work site and is requested to respond on short notice to an emergency work situation to:
• avoid significant service disruption,
• avoid placing employees or the public in unsafe situations, or
• protect and/or provide emergency services to property or equipment
• respond to emergencies with students or other employees.
Emergency callback may involve either:
- going back to work or
- responding via telephone/ computer
Designation of Classes/Positions
Based on sound business need, management at the College shall:
• select job classes and/or individual positions that are subject to on-call and/or emergency callback, and
• submit such lists to the Human Resources Director for approval.
Notification to Employees
Employees shall be notified in advance of being subject to on-call and emergency callback
Rate of On-Call Compensation
On-call compensation may be in the form of pay or compensatory time. The College's rate of each shall be determined by the Human Resources Director and based on survey data of prevailing practices in the applicable labor market.
Use of On-Call Compensatory Time for FLSA Non-Exempt
If compensatory time is used, it may be accumulated up to a maximum of 240 hours and shall be taken within twelve months from the date earned. If compensatory time off is not given by the end of the 12=month period, it shall be paid in the employee’s next regular paycheck. The on-call pay shall be at the on-call rate applicable to that position.
Overtime Pay for FLSA Non-Exempt
If an FLSA non-exempt employee works overtime while receiving on-call, the on-call pay must be included in calculating the employee's regular hourly rate for overtime pay. The time in on-call status is not included for determining overtime hours unless the employee is called back to work.
Emergency Callback Compensation
Emergency Callback – FLSA Non-Exempt
- Employees returning to work shall receive a minimum of two hours compensation as time off or additional pay at the straight-time rate of pay for each occasion of callback.
- Employees responding via telephone/computer shall receive a minimum of 30 minutes as time off or additional pay at the straight-time rate for each occasion of callback. If more than one callback occurs within a given shift, total callback time cannot exceed two hours unless the work time exceeds two hours.
- If the time on callback is more than the two hours allowed, the employee shall be compensated for the actual time on callback
- Management shall determine a reasonable time for which preparation and travel to the worksite shall be compensated.
- Shift pay, holiday pay and overtime pay shall be received in addition to emergency callback pay, if applicable. Time on callback is subtracted from the on-call hours.
- Employees whose work continues following the end of the regularly scheduled hours of work are not eligible for the callback.
- Time actually worked and travel to the worksite shall be included in hours worked for determining overtime hours.
- Emergency callback pay must be included in calculating the employee's regular hourly rate for overtime pay
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