3.8.1 Salary Plan

3.8.1 Salary Plan

Policy TrackingDate
ApprovedJuly 10, 2023
RevisedMay 22, 2023
ReviewedMay 22, 2023

  1. All full-time, salaried personnel of the College, with the exception of the President, are covered by a salary plan which is used to determine an employee’s starting salary or any salary changes caused by promotion, attainment of further education or degrees, assignment of special duties, merit pay, or Presidential awards.
  2. Each employee is hired to fill a position in one of the following Blue Ridge Community College employee position categories defined as follows:
    1. Executive Management – Vice Presidents and Associate Vice Presidents are employed to perform division-level executive and administrative duties, strategic management, and financial decision-making. They report directly to the President.
    2. Professional – Administrative Deans and Directors are employed to perform department level professional administrative and managerial duties, supervisory functions, and have budgeting responsibility. They report directly to an Executive Management member.
    3. Curriculum Faculty − This includes all professional teaching personnel and Instructional Deans in the Division of Instruction.
    4. Non-curriculum Faculty − This includes all professional teaching personnel in the Economic and Workforce Development/Continuing Education Department.
    5. Professional Support − Coordinators employed to perform exempt-level administrative and professional responsibilities. They may be assigned supervisory and budgetary duties. They may report to or work under the supervision of another Professional, or may report directly to an Executive Management member.
    6. Technical/Paraprofessional – Technician or Specialists persons are employed to perform specialized tasks or duties which may affect several departmental areas. Technician and Specialist members may be assigned discretionary authority. They are supervised by an Executive Management or Professional-level member.
    7. Administrative Assistant – Administrative or clerical members are employed to perform various clerical duties, responsibilities and support for a particular division or department. Clerical Assistants may also be assigned to the President or a particular Executive Management or Professional level member.
    8. Service – Maintenance, Groundskeeper, and Plant Operations members are employed to perform specialized and general duties and responsibilities that include using specialized machinery, performing manual labor, preventative maintenance, cleaning and overseeing the campus facilities, buildings, and grounds.
  3. Prior to any official salary computations, the employment record of an employee or an applicant must be verified by the Human Resources Department.
    1. Annual salaries start on July 1. Changes in salary can occur during the fiscal year when an individual is promoted to a higher position. The President approves the salary plan annually.
    2. The Staff Salary and Position Classification Plan is determined by the factors and criteria upon which each position is evaluated. It is more descriptive of the staff positions found in a community college and provides a more valid analysis in determining the differences between positions in terms of their relative requirements. Each position is evaluated in terms of its minimum requirements to determine the degree of skill, effort, responsibility, and working conditions in relation to other positions within the college. The positions are evaluated without considering the qualifications of the incumbents or their rates of pay. Positions are also evaluated without regard to race, sex, age, national origin, veteran’s status, and physical or mental handicap.
      1. Each position has been evaluated based on eleven separate requirement factors:
        • Training
          • Knowledge
          • Experience
        • Initiative
          • Complexity of duties
          • Supervision received
        • Responsibility
          • Impact of errors
          • Contact with other (internal and external)
          • Confidential data
        • Job Conditions
          • Mental attention/visual demands
          • Working conditions
    3. Each factor has up to six degrees with a weighted point factor assigned to each degree. Points are accumulated for each position and the total number of points for each position determines the level to which the position is assigned.
    4. There are a total of 20 position levels in the plan. Each position at the College is assigned to one of those levels.
  4. Staff Salary Computation Worksheet – New Hire – is used to compute the annual salaries for newly employed staff or current part-time or temporary staff that transfer to a full-time position. Faculty members who transfer to a staff position will have their annual compensation determined by completion of the Salary Computation Worksheet – Faculty to Staff Transfers.
    1. Demand Factor − In the event there is a shortage of qualified candidates available for the position or it is determined to be in the best interest of the College to employ an individual with a particular set of skills relevant to a position, a “Demand Factor” may be applied regardless of whether the salary computation is below or above mid-point. Any requests for a Demand Factor must be approved by the President of the College.
  5. Determination of a New Position Level–The level of a new position will be determined using the same criteria for evaluation of all staff positions. The appropriate Vice President or Associate Vice President, after consultation with the Director of Human Resources, will make a recommendation to the College President who makes the final decision. The College may choose the use of an outside consultant to assist in this process and conduct all new position level reviews or assignments.
    1. Significant Change in Duties − In the event that key job duties and responsibilities of an existing position are significantly changed, the appropriate Vice President or Associate Vice President, after consultation with the Director of Human Resources, will make a recommendation to the President regarding whether or not it is a new position or an existing position that has had a significant change in duties. The President will make the final determination, and the position will be evaluated and leveled in accordance with the College approved process.
  6. Reassignment to a Position in a Higher Level – When an employee is assigned to a position at a higher level than their current position, the employee will be eligible to receive an increase in pay to at least the minimum of the salary range of the new position level or an increase of 10% percent, whichever is greater. Any exception to this must be approved by the President of the College.
  7. Salary Increases Within an Existing Level – An individual salary increase may be considered within an existing level. Generally, this is the result of an individual employee’s documented outstanding performance or the position being required to take on increased duties and responsibilities that are important, but do not warrant re-leveling the position. Any request for a salary increase within an existing level must be within budgetary restrictions and have the final approval of the college President.
  8. Reassignment to a Position in a Lower Level – If the assignment is to a level lower than current level, the employee’s new rate of pay will be determined as follows:
    1. If the assignment to the lower level is required by the College, the employee will remain at his/her current rate of pay, not to exceed the maximum of the new level to which the employee is assigned unless otherwise approved by the President.
    2. If the assignment to the lower level is the result of a request from the employee, the new rate of pay will be at the same point within the new range as the employee’s previous rate of pay in the previous range, or the employee’s salary as computed on the staff salary computation worksheet, whichever is greater.
  9. Temporary Assignment to a Position in a Higher Level of Pay – The employee will continue to receive his or her current rate of pay. However, if the assignment continues for more than 30 calendar days, the employee will be eligible for additional compensation at the rate of 5% of the employee’s current salary or the minimum of the grade of the temporary position, whichever is greater.
  10. Salary of Faculty Who Transfer to a Staff Position − Faculty of Blue Ridge Community College who transfer to a “staff” position will have their beginning staff pay calculated as follows:
    1. Once the level of the position has been determined, the salary will be computed using the Salary Computation Worksheet − Faculty to Staff Transfers. For purposes of this computation, years of service at Blue Ridge Community College in a teaching position will be given an experience quotient of 100%. Faculty years of service at another community college will be given an experience quotient of 75%. All other experience will be determined in accordance with the Salary Computation Worksheet – Faculty to Staff Transfers.
    2. The maximum salary for which faculty will be eligible shall be the mid-point of the position level salary range to which they are being assigned. Any pay assignment greater than the mid-point must be approved by the President of the College.
  11. Salaries of Staff Who Transfer to Faculty Positions − Staff of Blue Ridge Community College who transfer to a “faculty” position will have their beginning faculty rate of pay calculated in accordance with the Teaching Faculty Salary Computation Worksheet found in the Faculty Salary Plan.
  12. Determination of Existing Position Request for Re-leveling − If a position incurs significant change in duties/responsibilities, a Request for Position Re-leveling must be completed and submitted to the appropriate Vice President. The Vice President will either approve or disapprove the request. If approved, the request will be forwarded to the Director of Human Resources who will review the request and make a recommendation to the President who will make the final decision. Requests for re-leveling will normally be considered once each year and must be submitted to the Director of Human Resources during the annual budget process. Exceptions must be approved by the College President.
    1. The College may approve the use of an outside consultant to conduct all existing position requests for re-leveling. Requests for re-leveling need not always result in an assignment to a new pay level.
    2. If the re-evaluation results in the position being placed in a lower level, the employee’s pay will not be reduced but will remain at the same rate as before the re-leveling. If the re-evaluation results in the position being placed in a higher level than previously assigned, an increase will be considered subject to availability of funds. Any increase awarded will be at least at the minimum of the new level.
  13. Conversion of Salary to Hourly Rate of Pay − A “salary” that is expressed in terms of an annual salary may be converted to an hourly rate of pay by taking the annual salary and dividing that amount by 2080 hours.
  14. Recognition of Advanced Degrees −
    1. (No increase shall be given for the attainment of the next higher degree to employees hired with a written understanding that completion of such a degree is a condition for continued employment.)  The College encourages its employees to advance their education by pursuing and achieving advance degrees. Full-time staff employees in regularly allotted positions who earn an academic degree higher than the one held at the time of employment, or an additional degree, shall receive an increase in compensation according to the following conditions: 

      1. The employee must have advanced approval in writing before coursework begins, from the appropriate Vice President and the President of the College.

      2. Pursuing an advanced degree must be directly related to the employee’s professional field at the College.

      3. An employee must have demonstrated commitment to the College through experience and performance.

      4. The employee may be required to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and agree to remain with the College for a certain length of time after completing the degree.

      5. The employee must provide evidence of coursework completion and the degree awarded.

      6. The degree must be conferred by an institution of higher education accredited by one of the six regional accrediting agencies recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and must be directly related to the employee’s work at the College. The employee is eligible for one level for each degree.

      7. Degrees acceptable for the increase are: Associates, Bachelors, Master’s and Doctorate.

      8. During periods of limited budget availability, the Administration may declare a moratorium on implementing pay increases for earned higher degrees with the provision that employees who otherwise qualify would receive their increase at the beginning of the next fiscal year after which funds become available. In such cases, no retroactive increase will be provided to compensate for the moratorium period.

      9. Upon attaining an additional or higher degree, the salary increase will be implemented at the beginning of the next fiscal year after Human Resources has received the certified transcript.  Employees who are candidates to receive an advanced degree must notify the Director of Human Resources by May 15 to be eligible to receive the salary increase at the next effective date.  

      10. The amount of the annual pay increase shall be set in accordance with the following table:

        Entry LevelAssociatesBachelorsMastersDoctorate


      11. The increase will be paid on a monthly basis. A full time employee who works less than 12 months will have the increase prorated for each full month of service. All advanced degree salary increases are subject to the approval of the College President.
  15. Periodic Review of Pay Levels − In an effort to maintain the integrity of the Blue Ridge Community College Staff Pay Plan and to ensure that the pay ranges in each level remain competitive with the “market”, the College will periodically undertake a review of its pay levels. As a general rule, this review will take place at least every three to five years. The College reserves the right to utilize an independent consultant to conduct the review.
  16. Future Compensation and Compensation Beyond a Pay Level Maximum − It is understood that, under certain circumstances, an employee’s salary may be more than the maximum of the range for that level. For future salary increases, employees whose pay is in excess of the level maximum may not be eligible for future increases except those mandated by the North Carolina General Assembly. It should be noted that any increase in salary will only apply to those staff members who are in good standing at the time of the adjustment.
  17. The Teaching Faculty Salary Plan is described as follows:
    1. Each year, after the State has determined the amount of any State funded increases and assuming no state restrictions and/or budget limitations, the College will review teaching faculty salaries to determine if any faculty member is below their appropriate level on the scale. The appropriate level on the scale is defined as one position higher than the employee’s position on the scale in the previous year. If so, and subject to the availability of funds, an adjustment will be made in the respective faculty member’s salary to bring them up to the appropriate point on the scale. An adjustment could be necessary if the State raised the minimum salary more than the general salary increase.
  18. The Teaching Faculty Salary Computation Worksheet is used to compute the annual salaries of new faculty members or current staff members that are transferring to faculty. The explanations below will assist in the completion of the form. Note: Only one category will be allowed for each qualifying year of experience or portion of a year of experience.
    1. Years of full-time teaching experience at the College.
    2. Years of full-time non-teaching experience at the College.
    3. Post-secondary experience is considered to be full-time experience at an accredited institution of higher learning.
    4. Secondary experience is full-time experience at the high school level or lower.
    5. Years of full time documented non-teaching experience in specific field of instruction – This is experience directly related to the teaching position. An example would be someone who has been driving a tractor trailer being hired to teach in the truck driving training program.
    6. Years of adjunct or part-time experience relative to the College’s assignment – This is experience that will assist in the performance of the faculty position.
    7. Monthly Added Compensation for Additional Duties – This would include any compensation that is added to the calculated salary to cover additional responsibilities above those of instructor.
    8. Market Demand – If it is deemed necessary, a recommendation can be made to the President, with proper justification, for additional salary over and above that calculated. Care should be taken to maintain equity among current employees. Only the President can approve a market demand adjustment.
    9. Length of Employment Period during Fiscal Year– This line includes the number of months worked in the academic year or fiscal year plus the number of months of any supplemental employment agreement agreed to by the College and Employee.
    10. Total Annual Salary – This amount is the result of multiplying the total monthly salary by the total number of months during the academic year or fiscal year.  
    This form should be prepared by the Human Resources department, signed by the Director of Human Resources and approved by the Vice President of Instruction and the President. The form should be kept in the employee’s personnel file.
  19. Entry-level Salaries for New Employees − The initial salary for Faculty members hired from outside the College is calculated on the Teaching Faculty Salary Computation Worksheet.
    1. Placement of Staff Employees Selected for a Faculty Position − Staff of the College who transfers to a “faculty” position will have their beginning faculty rate of pay calculated in accordance with the first two criteria on the Teaching Faculty Salary Computation Worksheet.
  20. Placement of Faculty Employees Selected to a Staff Position − Faculty of the College who transfer to a “staff” position will have their beginning staff pay determined as follows:
    1. Once the level of the position has been determined, the salary will be computed using the Salary Computation Worksheet – Faculty to Staff Transfers.
    2. The maximum salary for which the faculty member will be eligible shall be the mid-point of the position level salary range to which they are being assigned. Any pay assignment greater than the mid-point must be approved by the President of the College.
  21. Faculty Appointments − The College has determined that the appointments for all full time teaching faculty will be nine months. Consequently, supplemental appointments of one, two or three month duration will be assigned if additional workload demands it. The level of compensation for these supplemental assignments will be the same as the base employment agreement.
    1. Deans − Deans carry additional responsibilities above those of department chairs, faculty coordinator, and faculty. In recognition of those additional responsibilities, they will be paid additional compensation of 10% of their current annual salary including local supplement. This position is generally a twelve month position.  The additional compensation will apply for all months. In addition, the Dean will teach a minimum of six hours and a maximum of nine hours during each of the fall and/or spring semesters.
    2. Department Chairs (Faculty Director) – Department Chairs carry additional responsibilities above those of faculty. In recognition of those additional responsibilities, they will be paid additional compensation of 8% of their current annual salary including local supplement. This position is generally a twelve month position. The additional compensation will apply for all months. In addition, the Department chair will teach an appropriate number of hours based on their assigned duties and responsibilities during each of the fall and/or spring semesters.
    3. Faculty Coordinator – Faculty Coordinators carry additional responsibilities above those of faculty. In recognition of those additional responsibilities, they will be paid additional compensation of 5% of their current annual salary including local supplement. This position may be a nine or twelve month position. If the position requirements exceed nine-months, the Coordinator will receive the supplemental assignment. The additional compensation will apply for all months. In addition, the faculty coordinator will teach an appropriate number of hours based on their assigned duties and responsibilities during each of the fall and/or spring semesters.
    4. When the College relieves a faculty member of Dean, Department Chair, or Faculty Coordinator responsibilities, the faculty member will forfeit the related additional months of employment, compensation and release time, and will revert back to a nine month assignment and will be required to teach the normal full time faculty load. However, there will be no loss of years of service or any other benefits available to faculty.
    5. Faculty Overload Pay Policy − Reference is made to section 6.2.1 (Faculty Work Load) of the College Policies and Procedures Manual. If, per those policies, a faculty member is in an overload situation, he/she is to be paid for the overload incurred or given reduced responsibilities. If the faculty member is to be paid, he/she will be compensated for the overload hours at the adjunct faculty rate. This compensation should be included in their normal pay check.
  22. Summer Employment for Faculty − Summer employment for nine month faculty is not guaranteed. Provided that adequate enrollment exists, full time faculty will be given the opportunity to teach summer courses. If adequate full time nine month faculty is not available to meet the summer demand, adjunct faculty will be used to meet the summer need. In all cases, the rate of pay for summer employment of faculty will be based on the adjunct faculty rate.
  23. Recognition of Advanced Degrees − 
    1. (No increase shall be given for the attainment of the next higher degree to employees hired with a written understanding that completion of such a degree is a condition for continued employment.)  The College encourages its employees to improve their education by pursuing and achieving advanced degrees. Full-time faculty members who earn a higher academic degree shall receive a monthly salary increase equal to the chart shown below, or the amount necessary to bring the faculty member up to the minimum of the new degree level, whichever is greater, as long as the following conditions are met:

      1. The employee must have, advanced, approval in writing from the Vice-President for Instruction and the President of the College.

      2. Pursuing an advanced degree must be directly related to the employee’s field of instruction at the College.

      3. An employee must have demonstrated commitment to the College through experience and performance.

      4. The employee may be required to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and agree to remain with the College for a certain length of time after completing the degree.

      5. The employee must provide evidence of the coursework completion and the degree awarded.

      6. The degree must be conferred by an institution of higher education accredited by one of the six regional accrediting agencies recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and must be directly related to the employee’s field of instruction at the College.

      7. During periods of limited budget availability or North Carolina General Assembly restrictions, the College may declare a moratorium on implementing pay increases for earned higher degrees with the provision that employees who otherwise qualify would receive their increase at the beginning of the next fiscal year after which funds become available. In such cases, no retroactive increase will be provided to compensate for the moratorium period.

      8. Upon attaining an additional or higher degree, the salary increase will be implemented at the beginning of the next fiscal year.

      9. Employees who are candidates to receive an advanced degree must notify the Director of Human Resources by June 30 to be eligible to receive the salary increase at the next effective date.

        Entry LevelAssociateBachelorsMastersDoctorate




      10. Teaching In Multiple Disciplines − If a faculty member with a Master’s degree attains the necessary hours to be able to teach in an additional discipline over and above that for which they were hired, and teaches in the additional discipline, and has satisfied the requirements in the paragraph entitled, “Recognition of Advanced Degrees”, that faculty member will be eligible for additional monthly compensation as shown below. 

      11. In order to qualify for the additional compensation, the faculty member must receive at least eighteen (18) additional graduate credit hours above and beyond, and separate from, the original degree. If the faculty member is qualified to teach in two disciplines based on the hours within their original Master’s degree, or receives less than 18 additional graduate credit hours, they will not be eligible for the additional compensation.

      12. Master’s plus 18 hours in a second field - $150

  24. Tuition Reimbursement − If a faculty member is required to obtain a certification or higher degree because of the requirements of a College program, the tuition expense may be reimbursed by the College. Upon completion of the certification or degree, the faculty member will be required to remain employed at the College for a period of three years unless mutually agreed otherwise. If the employee leaves before the end of that period he/she will be obligated to reimburse the College on a pro-rata basis. For example, if the employee leaves the College after one year, two-thirds of the tuition costs will have to be reimbursed.
  25. Plan Implementation − For purposes of implementation of this plan and for establishing minimum equitable pay for all current teaching faculty, only years of service at the College will be considered when calculating the minimum salary using the Faculty Salary Scale.
  26. Exceptions − Exceptions to any policies or procedures contained in this Teaching Faculty Salary Plan can occur only upon the discretion of and approval by the President of the College. Such exceptions will occur when the President deems it in the best interests of the College to do so and will be documented appropriately for future reference.
  27. Presidential Awards may be awarded to full-time employees who have made a significant contribution to the College during the past twelve months. Examples of such include but are not limited to: performing a leadership role in a College activity or program, developing a plan that results in significant cost savings, fulfilling additional duties at the College, exhibiting exemplary performance, or obtaining a significant educational credential not covered by other procedures. Presidential Award nominations must be submitted in writing to the President from the appropriate Vice President, Associate Vice President, Dean, or Director. Nominations must be submitted no later than May 31 of each year. The total number of Presidential Awards given will be based on the number of nominations received and the amount of funds available. Presidential Awards are given for one year and are not recurring. The President will make the final decision concerning Presidential Awards.
  28. Merit Pay may be awarded annually based upon availability of funds. Continuation beyond the specified time or year in which awarded is not implied. Merit pay will be awarded annually to full-time employees with one or more years of experience. Recipients will be chosen through the annual evaluation process.
  29. Longevity Pay will be awarded to all full-time employees assigned to positions which qualify for such pay pursuant to the NC State Code. Qualifications for such pay will be determined following the guidelines set out in SBCCC 2D.0109 (See also Sec. 3.8.3 Longevity Pay Plan).
  30. Local Supplement – By local provision, full-time faculty members and direct reports to the College President (excluding the Executive Assistant and Director of the Educational Foundation) are eligible for a 5% county supplement, contingent on availability of local funds. To be eligible for the county supplement, at least 50% of the faculty member’s job responsibilities must be directly involved in the delivery of instruction.

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