3.7.15 Employee Work and State of Emergency Leave

3.7.15 Employee Work and State of Emergency Leave

Policy TrackingDate
ApprovedMarch 19, 2020
RevisedMarch 19, 2020
ReviewedMarch 19, 2020

The following is a State of Emergency Leave provision authorized by the Board of Trustees in response to the COVID-19 event. It is available for use at the discretion of the President subject to the availability of funding. This State of Emergency Leave policy is effective March 16 – March 31, 2020, and may be extended by the Board of Trustees or the President.

  1. Employee Designations and Work Assignments
    1. Mandatory Employees – Employees who are directed by their supervisor to report to work at a designated worksite other than their personal residence at specific dates and times.
    2. “High Risk” Employees – Employees over 65 years of age; have underlying health conditions; or a weakened immune system. Employees providing care to someone at high risk are also considered high risk employees. High risk employees are allowed to telework or apply the provisions of this policy.
    3. Non-Mandatory Employees – Employees who have not been directed by their supervisor to report to work onsite at any particular date and time. Non-mandatory employees will continue to be assigned work and will be expected to telework if feasible given the nature of their position's duties.
    4. These designations may be changed at any time due to the operational needs of the College and COVID-19 developments.
  2. Paid State of Emergency Leave
    Consistent with usual work schedules, up to 96 hours of paid State of Emergency Leave may be granted during the period of March 16-31, 2020, and no balance is carried over, for the following:
    1. Mandatory or non-mandatory employees (including temporary and permanent employees) who cannot work because they have childcare or eldercare needs due to COVID-19-related facility closings may receive paid State of Emergency Leave up to the maximum hours allowed.
    2. Non-mandatory employees (including temporary and permanent employees) who are unable to telework who have not been authorized by their supervisor to continue to report to work will receive paid State of Emergency Leave up to the maximum hours allowed if they cannot telework because their position duties cannot be performed remotely and reasonable alternate remote work is not feasible or productive.
    3. For part-time employees with irregular schedules, paid State of Emergency Leave should be based upon the employee’s average hours per week over the course of the previous month. In no case will paid State of Emergency Leave exceed 40 hours per week.
    4. Any mandatory or non-mandatory employees (including temporary and permanent employees) who are sick due to symptoms consistent with COVID-19 or who are caring for a dependent with such symptoms will receive State of Emergency Leave up to the maximum hours allowed. All other medically related absences will utilize regular forms of leave such as sick, vacation, and bonus leave, or shared leave if previously approved.
    5. Non-mandatory employees who were on other pre-approved leave, choose not to work, or are unavailable for reasons other than provided for in this State of Emergency Leave provision must use available and applicable leave types, such as vacation/annual leave, paid parental leave, bonus leave, or compensatory time. 
    6. There are no special compensation provisions for mandatory employees to receive additional pay as of the date this State of Emergency Leave Policy is adopted.
  3. Delegation of Authority
    1. During the period of the State of Emergency declared by the Governor, the Board of Trustees hereby delegate full authority to the President or his/her designee to take any and all actions to implement federal, state or local orders regarding employee salary, leave or safety, including paid and unpaid leave options available from any federal, state, or local source to keep employees in pay status and/or covered by employment benefits, such as health insurance. Further, this authority includes extending the amount of State of Emergency leave made available to employees under this policy and extending the period in which this policy is effective, to the extent funding allows.
    2. The Board of Trustees may repeal this policy at any time. 

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